May 23, 2012

David Ackley

Joy of Wind

A gaunt, tasseled pine

rocks against the pale sky,

 revising the shape

of wind. I have read

this text on high,

a boy, astride

a  whipping limb,

and name it joy.

Consolations of Quantum Mechanics

For Clancy

In the "Many Worlds" theory, we inhabit only

one of the possible worlds in all possible universes

among which, every event that has ever occurred,

or  will ever occur

(not to speak of those presently occurring)

leads at every moment

to some other outcome

than the one you could have done without

until all infinite possibilities are enacted,


which means that

the big-bellied grey cat with a weepy right eye

who failed to come back from a stroll

last October

is right now, in some other world,

sitting on our back stoop

waiting for the door to open

and welcome him home.


Fall through the world

miss your stops

there's still time yet

there's time yet

there's time


David Ackley writes in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. He has published work in THIS, A-Minor, Prick of the Spindle and others. Pieces in THIS and A-Minor were nominated respectively for The Best Of The Net Anthology and the Million Writers Award in 2011.

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